Bloat and Acidosis Occurrence in Lori Bakhtiari Ram Lambs in Pasture

Author Details

Mehdi Moghaddam, Yaser Rahimian, Reza Alipoor Filabadi and Saeed Moradi

Journal Details


Published: 9 October 2018 | Article Type :


During the months of mid-March to early November, 2015 Lori Bakhtiari ram lambs in 6-fold were examined the incidence of bloat and acidosis. Sheep fed first alfalfa planting and then residue cereal fields in the morning and afternoon. In this study were considered the grazing time of alfalfa field as a factor affecting the incidence of bloat and residue grain fields as a factor affecting the incidence of acidosis. The results showed observed bloat and acidosis index number than the total herd was influenced by grazing time of alfalfa and residue cereal fields and the observed number of bloating in the afternoon significantly increased compared to the morning. Also, the mortality index number of bloat into the total herd was influenced by time of grazing and its mortality was significant. The mortality of acidosis than the whole observed acidosis was influenced by the care timing and type, and sheep were treated faster and by professionals person had lower mortality.

Keywords: Acidosis, Bloat, Cereal residue fields, Legume. Lori Bakhtiari ram lambs.

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How to Cite


Mehdi Moghaddam, Yaser Rahimian, Reza Alipoor Filabadi and Saeed Moradi. (2018-10-09). "Bloat and Acidosis Occurrence in Lori Bakhtiari Ram Lambs in Pasture." *Volume 2*, 4, 1-6